Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Finally, I Can Breathe!

Wow it's been way too long. The wife and I have been extremely busy with our new house, my thesis, and making invitations for a friend's wedding. Now that we have all of that out of the way, we can focus on baby making! We have picked a donor. I think after you pick a donor, everything really starts setting in. It's no longer just about all of the tests to see if everything is functioning correctly... It's REAL! 
I have really begun charting now and trying to nail down my ovulation days since my cycles are so many days. I think the hardest part is trying to figure out how everything is going to work with all of our summer vacations. It's not very convenient to have to go into the RE when you are supposed to start the day you leave for Hawaii. Ugh. Hopefully everything falls into place! I will leave you with a picture of our bathroom remodel. Along with my father-in-law and brother, my wife and I spent a weekend with this project. Cutting the tile was ridiculously tedious! 

No more mint chocolate chip!


  1. Congratulations on picking your donor! I remember how special that step was for us so I can imagine you're both feeling pretty excited! The bathroom turned out great! Did you just paint the existing tile?

  2. Hey Kristin! Thanks so much. I was actually going to get in touch with you. We had the tile refinished, which definitely saved us a bunch of money! I was going to ask you if being on Clomid and doing the trigger makes your cycles regular. I don't like the idea of doing IUI's only once every 35-40 days with my long cycles.

  3. YES! Clomid absolutely regulated my cycles. Before starting it in December, I only had a period 3 of the 7 previous months and it was always on a different cycle day. Within a month of being on Clomid my periods actually started matching up with my predicted CD 1 on my fertility app. My period has started on cycle 14 every month since December, well... except for this month!!! Wink, wink ;)

    1. What!!!!???? Omg. Screaming a little happiness inside for you! Thanks so much for the information and I can't wait to hear more! :)

    2. Thank you!!! If all continues to go well (as I feel it will) I'll have a very looooong post to share in about a month. :)

    3. Um OMG! Kerry I was going to post about your awesome bathroom and picking a donor (both fab!) But holy crap Kristin!!!! Can't wait for the official update :) hang in there!
